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  5. Руководства для Беспроводной автоматики и серии Powerline

Руководства для Беспроводной автоматики и серии Powerline

Инструкции по эксплуатации для FVS-, GFVS-и SIENNA®-Software в конце этой страницы.

НаименованиеНе производитсяПримечания Тип
AFZ  Сканер дисковых счётчиков электричества
AIR  ИК-сканер для шлюза данных счетчика электроэнергии FSDG14
Руководство по эксплуатации для 14й Серии  Руководство по эксплуатации для 14й Серии устройств на DIN рейку с интерфейсом RS485
 Дополнительная информация о FTS12устарело, только для информацииРуководство по планированию и инструкция по эксплуатации
B4T55  Выключтаель для шины PowerLine
B4FT65  Тонкий выключтаель для шины PowerLine
B4T65  Выключтаель для шины PowerLine
BGW14  Шлюз интерфейса RS485
BUTH65D/12V DC  Bus thermo clock/hygrostat with display
BW3  Монтажные кронштейны
DAT71  Data transformer
DSS+SDOF/SDO55  German fused safety socket with socket outlet front
 DSS+SDOF/SDO55/SDO German fused safety socket with socket outlet front
 DSS+SDOfollow-up model DSS+SDOF/SDO55/SDOGerman fused safety socket with socket outlet front
 SDOfollow-up model DSS+SDOSocket outlet front
DSS65-wg  E-Design Fused Safety Socket
DSZ14DRS-3x65A from week 22/15, with MID approvalТрехфазный счетчик энергии с дисплеем
 DSZ14DRS-3x65Afrom week 32/13 until week 21/15,
with MID approval
Трехфазный счетчик энергии с дисплеем
 DSZ14DRS-3x65Auntil week 31/13, with MID approvalТрехфазный счетчик энергии с дисплеем
DSZ14WDRS-3x5A from week 06/18, with MID approvalТрехфазный счетчик энергии с дисплеем
 DSZ14WDRS-3x5Afrom week 22/15, with MID approvalТрехфазный счетчик энергии с дисплеем
 DSZ14WDRS-3x5Afrom week 32/13, with MID approvalТрехфазный счетчик энергии с дисплеем
 DSZ14WDRS-3x5Auntil week 31/13, with MID approvalТрехфазный счетчик энергии с дисплеем
EPM300  Измеритель уровня беспроводного сигнала
 EPM100follow-up model EPM300Измеритель уровня беспроводного сигнала
 F2L61NP-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Реле вентилятора
F1FT65  Wireless sensor without battery or wire
Wireless flat pushbutton in E-design
F2FZT65B-wg  Wireless 2-way central control flat pushbutton with battery
F2L14 с 40й недели 17 годаАктуатор с шиной RS485
реле вентилятора 2-скоростное
 F2L14until week 39/17Актуатор с шиной RS485
реле вентилятора 2-скоростное
 F2L70-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Реле вентилятора
F2ZT65-wg  Wireless 2-way central control pushbutton
F3Z14D from week 12/15RS485 Bus
Meter Collector
 F3Z14Duntil week 11/15RS485 Bus
Energy Meter Concentrator
 F4H12-12V DCнет модели приемникаRS485 bus switching actuator
Heating relay
F4HK14 с 40й недели 17 годаRS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel heating/cooling relay
 F4HK14until week 39/17RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel heating/cooling relay
F4FTF65  Wireless sensor without battery or wire
Wireless flat pushbutton in E-design
 F4L12-12V DCнет модели приемникаRS485 bus switching actuator
Ventilation relay
F4SR14-LED с 40й недели 17 годаАктуатор с шиной RS485
4-channel impulse switch
 F4SR14-LEDfrom week 24/17 until week 39/17, FB65B can be taught inАктуатор с шиной RS485
4-channel impulse switch
 F4SR14-LEDuntil week 23/17Актуатор с шиной RS485
4-channel impulse switch
F4T55B  Беспроводной датчик
Pushbutton without wire
F4T65  Wireless sensor without battery or wire
Wireless pushbutton in E-design
F4FT65B  Wireless sensor without wire
Wireless flat pushbutton in E-design
F4T65B  Wireless sensor without wire
Wireless pushbutton in E-design
F4T65BLE  Wireless sensor without battery or wire
Wireless Bluetooth pushbutton in E-Design
F6T55B  Wireless sensor Pushbutton without wire
F6T65B  Wireless sensor Pushbutton without wire
 F8S12-12V DC Wireless 8-fold transmitter module
FABH130/230V  Уличный датчик движения/освещённости
FABH63  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
FABH65S  Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик движения/освещённости
FADS60  Беспроводной датчик
Уличны датчик сумерек с актуатором
FAE14LPR с 40й недели 17 годаАктуатор с шиной RS485
Single room control, heating/cooling for 2 zones
 FAE14LPRfrom week 09/14 until week 39/17,
extended configuration with PCT14
Актуатор с шиной RS485
Single room control, heating/cooling for 2 zones
 FAE14LPRuntil week 08/14Актуатор с шиной RS485
Single room control, heating/cooling for 2 zones
FAE14SSR с 40й недели 17 годаАктуатор с шиной RS485
Single room control, heating/cooling for 2 zones with solid state relay
 FAE14SSRfrom week 09/14 until week 39/17,
extended configuration with PCT14
Актуатор с шиной RS485
Single room control, heating/cooling for 2 zones with solid state relay
 FAE14SSRuntil week 08/14Актуатор с шиной RS485
Single room control, heating/cooling for 2 zones with solid state relay
FAFT60  Беспроводной датчик
Наружный датчик температуры и влажности
FAG63  Беспроводная антенна
FAG65  Беспроводная антенна
FAH60 from week 28/11Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
 FAH60until week 27/11 Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
 FAHfollow-up model
Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
FAH60B from week 47/17Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
 FAH60Bfrom week 33/17 until week 46/17Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
 FAH60B Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
FAH63  Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
FAH65S  Беспроводной датчик
Уличный датчик освещённости
FAM-USB  Wireless antenna module for FVS Safe and PC
FAM14 from week 10/14
with encrypted wireless,
from week 50/16
with rated capacity of 8W
Wireless antenna module RS485 bus with switching power supply unit
 FAM14until week 09/14Wireless antenna module RS485 bus with switching power supply unit
 FAM12 follow-up model FAM14Модуль беспроводной антенны
 FAM12RS232 follow-up model FAM14Модуль беспроводной антенны
 FAA12-12V DCfollow-up model
Беспроводной актуатор
Antenna switching actuator
 FAB12-12V DCfollow-up model
Беспроводной актуатор
Antenna switching actuator for shading elements and roller shutters
FARP60-230V  Беспроводной уличный ретранслятор
FASM60-UC from week 48/16Wireless outdoor transmitter module
 FASM60-UC Wireless outdoor transmitter module
FBA14  Bus coupler
FB65B  Беспроводной датчик
Беспроводной датчик движения
FBH55 from week 46/12
also with batteries
Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
 FBH55 until week 45/12Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
FBH55SB  Wireless motion detector and brightness sensor
FBH63AP from week 40/2012
also with batteries
Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
 FBH63APuntil week 39/2012Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
 FBHfollow-up model
Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
follow-up model
Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
FBH65B  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
FBH65S  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
FBH65SB  Wireless motion detector and brightness sensor
FBH63TF  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
FBH65TFB  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
FBHF65SB  Wireless motion detector and brightness sensor
FCO2TF63  Беспроводной датчик
CO2 sensor
FCO2TF63S  Беспроводной датчик
CO2 sensor with signal
FCO2TF65  Беспроводной датчик
CO2 sensor with signal
FDT65B from week 03/17 only change of name Беспроводной датчик
Wireless rotary dimming switch in E-Design
 FDDT65Buntil week 02/17Беспроводной датчик
Wireless rotary dimming switch in E-Design
FDG14 from week 24/17Шлюз DALI
 FDG14from week 14/16 until week 23/17Шлюз DALI
 FDG14until week 13/16Шлюз DALI
FDG71L-230V from week 14/16 rotary switch teachableWireless DALI gateway
 FDG71L-230Vuntil week 07/17Wireless DALI gateway
 FDS61E Wireless actuator Dimmer switch economy
FDT55B  Беспроводной датчик
Беспроводной поворотный переключатель
FDTF65B  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless rotary switch flat in E-Design
FEA55D с 47й недели 12 года
с большим дисплеем
Беспроводной индикатор потребляемой мощности
 FEA55Dдо 46й недели 12 годаБеспроводной индикатор потребляемой мощности
FEA55LED  Беспроводной индикатор потребляемой мощности
FEA65D  Беспроводной индикатор потребляемой мощности
FEM  Wireless receiver antenna module
FEM63  Wireless receiver antenna module
FEM65  Wireless receiver antenna module
FF8  Wireless remote control
FFC65D-230V  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless window controller with display
FFD Locking with PCT14Беспроводной датчик
Remote control FFD with display
 FFDС аккумулятором и подсветкой дисплеяБеспроводной датчик
Remote control FFD with display
 FFD Беспроводной датчик
Remote control FFD with display
FFG7B  Wireless window handle sensor
FFR14  RS485 bus switching actuator
Реле отключения нагрузки
 FFR12-12V DCfollow-up model FFR14RS485 bus switching actuator
Реле отключения нагрузки
FFR61-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отключения нагрузки
 FFR61-230Vfrom week 31/11
until week 10/14
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отключения нагрузки
 FFR61-230Vuntil week 30/11Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отключения нагрузки
FFT55Q  Тонкий беспроводной выключатель
FFT65B  Беспроводной датчик
Беспроводной датчик температуры и влажности
FFTE-rw  Беспроводной датчик открытия окна
FFTF65B  Беспроводной датчик
Беспроводной датчик температуры и влажности в тонкой рамке
FGM  Wireless gong module
FGSM14  FGSM14 Wireless GSM Module
FGW14 from week 47/16
with external terminating resistor
RS485 bus gateway
 FGW14until week 46/16RS485 bus gateway
FGW14-USB from week 47/16
with external terminating resistor
RS485 bus gateway
 FGW14-USBuntil week 46/16RS485 bus gateway
 FBV12from week 14/12
follow-up model FGW14
RS485 bus connector
 FBV12until week 13/12,
follow-up model FGW14
RS485 bus connector
FHF  Беспроводной датчик
Window handle from Hoppe 'SecuSignal'
FHK14 с 40й недели 17 годаRS485 bus switching actuator
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK14from week 09/14 until week 39/17,
extended configuration with PCT14
RS485 bus switching actuator
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK14until week 08/14RS485 bus switching actuator
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK12-12V DCfollow-up model FHK14RS485 bus switching actuator
Реле отопления / охлаждения
FHK61-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK61-230Vfrom week 25/11
until week 10/14
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK61-230Vдо 24й недели 11 годаБеспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK61/8-24V UCfrom week 25/11
with bidirectional wireless
нет модели приемника
Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK61/8-24V UCдо 24й недели 11 годаБеспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
FHK61U-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
 FHK61U-230Vuntil week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
FHK61SSR from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Heating/cooling relay with solid state relay
 FHK61SSRuntil week 10/14Беспроводной актуатор
Heating/cooling relay with solid state relay
FHK70  Беспроводной актуатор
Реле отопления / охлаждения
FHS  Wireless hand-held transmitter
 FHS Wireless hand-held transmitter
FIFT63AP  Wireless indoor humidity temperature sensor
FIFT65S  Беспроводной датчик
Indoor humidity temperature sensor
FIH63AP  Wireless indoor brightness sensor
FIH63B  Датчик яркости для помещений
FIH65B  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик яркости для помещений
FIH65S  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик яркости для помещений
FIW-USB  Беспроводной инфракрасный преобразователь с USB портом
 FIW-USB Беспроводной инфракрасный преобразователь с USB портом
FIW55  Wireless infrared converter
 FIW55 Wireless infrared converter
FIW65  Беспроводной датчик
Инфракрасный преобразователь
 FIW65 Беспроводной датчик
Инфракрасный преобразователь
FKC65  Беспроводной карточный ключь-выключатель с кодированием
 FKCfollow-up model FKC65Беспроводной карточный ключь-выключатель с кодированием
 FKC Беспроводной карточный ключь-выключатель с кодированием
FKF65  Беспроводной карточный ключь-выключатель с кодированием
 FKFfollow-up model FKF65Беспроводной карточный ключь-выключатель
 FKF Беспроводной карточный ключь-выключатель
FKLD61 from week 14/17Беспроводной актуатор
Constant current LED dimmer switch
 FKLD61from week 11/14 until week 13/17,
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Constant current LED dimmer switch
 FKLD61until week 10/14Беспроводной актуатор
Constant current LED dimmer switch
 FKR12/1-10Vfollow-up model FSG14 RS485 bus dimming actuator constant light controller for electronic ballast units 1-10 V
 FKR12UD-12V DCalso for dimmable 230V LED lamps
follow-up model FUD14
Беспроводной актуатор
RS485 bus constant light controller with universal dimmer switch
 FKR12UD-12V DC Беспроводной актуатор
RS485 bus constant light controller with universal dimmer switch
 FKR70/1-10Vfollow-up model FSG71/1-10VWireless constant light controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
FKR70UD  Wireless constant light controller with universal dimmer switch
FKS-E  Миниатюрный привод на штоковый кран
FLC61NP-230V from week 35/16
operating mode pushbutton can be taught-in
Беспроводной актуатор
Light controller
 FLC61NP-230Vfrom week 11/14
until week 34/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Light controller
 FLC61NP-230Vuntil week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Light controller
 Operating settings
until week 10/14Operating settings
Light controller
FLD61 from week 14/17
обучаемый поворотный переключатель
Беспроводной актуатор
PWM LED dimmer switch
 FLD61from week 11/14
until week 13/17
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
PWM LED dimmer switch
 FLD61until week 10/14Беспроводной актуатор
PWM LED dimmer switch
 FLS12/1-10Vin addition with light scene control that can be taught-in via PC or FBH
follow-up model FSG14
Диммирующий актуатор с шиной RS485
1-10V light scene controller for electronic ballast units
 FLS12/1-10V Диммирующий актуатор с шиной RS485
1-10V light scene controller for electronic ballast units
 FLS12UD-12V DCalso for dimmable 230V LED lamps, with light scene control that can be taught-in via PC or FBH
follow-up model FUD14
Диммирующий актуатор с шиной RS485
Light scene controller with universal dimmer switch
 FLS12UD-12V DC Диммирующий актуатор с шиной RS485
Light scene controller with universal dimmer switch
 FLS70/1-10Vin addition with light scene control that can be taught-in via PC or FBH
follow-up model FSG71/1-10V
Wireless light scene controller for
electronic ballast units 1-10 V
 FLS70/1-10V Wireless light scene controller for
electronic ballast units 1-10 V
 FLS70UD-230Vfollow-up model FUD71-230VWireless light scene controller / universal dimmer switch
FLUD14  Capacity enhancer
for universal dimmer switch FUD14/800W
FMBS12-230V  Wireless M-bus transmitter module
 FMD70-230Vfollow-up model FUD71-230VБеспроводной актуатор
Master universal dimmer switch
FME14-230V  Wireless basic unit
FME14-24V  Wireless basic unit
FMH  Wireless mini hand-held transmitter
 FMH Wireless mini hand-held transmitter
FMH1W  Waterproof mini hand-held transmitter
FMP3  Wireless MP3 player
FMS14  RS485 bus switching actuator
Multifunction impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FMS12-12VDCfrom week 37/10
with function 2xS
follow-up model FMS14
RS485 bus switching actuator
Multifunction impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FMS12-12VDCuntil week 36/10RS485 bus switching actuator
Multifunction impulse switch with integrated relay function
FMS61NP-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction impulse switch
 FMS61NP-230Vfrom week 08/13
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction impulse switch
 FMS61NP-230Vfrom week 46/12
until week 07/13
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction impulse switch
 FMS61NP-230Vfrom week 18/11
until week 45/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction impulse switch
 FMS61NP-230Vfrom week 07/09,
until week 17/11
Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction impulse switch
 FMS61NP-230Vuntil week 06/09Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction impulse switch
FMSR14 from week 08/17RS485 bus multifunction sensor relay
 FMSR14from week 20/15 until week 07/17RS485 bus multifunction sensor relay
 FMSR14until week 19/15RS485 bus multifunction sensor relay
 FMSR12-12VDC follow-up model FMSR14RS485 bus switching actuator
Multifunction sensor relay
FMT55/2  Беспроводной мини-выключатель
 FMT55/2 Беспроводной мини-выключатель
FMT55/4  Беспроводной мини-выключатель
 FMT55/4 Беспроводной мини-выключатель
FMZ14 с 40й недели 17 годаRS485 bus switching actuator
Multifunction time relay
 FMZ14until week 39/17 RS485 bus switching actuator
Multifunction time relay
 FMZ12-12V DCfollow-up model FMZ14RS485 bus switching actuator
Multifunction time relay
FMZ61-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction time relay
 FMZ61-230Vfrom week 18/11
until week 10/14
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction time relay
 FMZ61-230Vuntil week 17/11Беспроводной актуатор
Multifunction time relay
 FNT55нет модели приемникаБеспроводной датчик
Proximity pushbutton
FPE-1 and FPE-2  Wireless sensor with energy generator
Position switch
 FPE-1 and FPE-2 Wireless sensor with energy generator
Position switch
FPLG14 from week 48/15Беспроводной шлюз Powerline
 FPLG14until week 47/15Беспроводной шлюз Powerline
FPLT14  Беспроводной туннельный шлюз Powerline
FPP12  Wireless Powernet phase coupler
 FPR12-12V DCнет модели приемникаWireless Powernet repeater
FPV12  Wireless Powernet connector
 FPV12USBнет модели приемникаWireless Powernet connector
 FPZ12Fнет модели приемникаWireless Powernet meter connector
 FPZ12S0нет модели приемникаWireless Powernet meter connector
 FPZ12USBнет модели приемникаWireless Powernet meter connector
FRGBW71L from week 11/17Беспроводной актуатор
PWM dimmer switch for LED
 FRGBW71Lfrom week 46/15 until week 10/17, with cable fixationБеспроводной актуатор
PWM dimmer switch for LED
 FRGBW71Lfrom week 20/15,
until week 45/15
Беспроводной актуатор
PWM dimmer switch for LED
 FRGBW71L Беспроводной актуатор
PWM dimmer switch for LED
FRP14  Беспроводной репитер
 FRP61/8-24V UC Беспроводной репитер
FRP61-230V from week 38/14Беспроводной репитер
 FRP61-230Vuntil week 37/14Беспроводной репитер
FRP65/230V-wg  Беспроводной репитер
FRP70-230V  Беспроводной репитер
 FRP70-230V Беспроводной репитер
 FRS61E Wireless actuator Roller shutter switch economy
FRW-ws  Wireless smoke alarm
 FSA12-12V DCfrom week 17/09
follow-up model
RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
 FSA12-12V DCfrom week 44/08,
until week 16/09
RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
 FSA12-12V DCuntil week 43/08 RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
FSB14 с 40й недели 17 годаRS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB14from week 01/17 until week 39/17,
automatic confirmation telegrams
RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB14from week 39/15
until week 52/16
RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB14from week 12/13, until week 38/15,
with extended scope of functions
RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB14until week 11/13RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB12-12V DCfrom week 39/10 with shading scene control
follow-up model FSB14
RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB12-12V DCfrom week 04/10,
until week 38/10
RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB12-12V DCfrom week 34/09
until week 03/10
RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB12-12V DCfrom week 43/08
until week 33/09
RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB12-12V DCuntil week 42/08RS485 bus switching actuator
Элементы затенения и рольставни
FSB61-230V from week 35/16Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB61-230V Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
FSB61NP-230V from week 35/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB61NP-230Vfrom week 11/16, until week 34/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB61NP-230Vfrom week 11/14,
until week 10/16,
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB61NP-230Vfrom week 39/12,
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB61NP-230Vfrom week 41/11
until week 38/12
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB61NP-230Vfrom week 43/10,
until week 40/11,
with shading scene control
Беспроводной актуатор
Shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB61NP-230Vfrom week 34/09 Беспроводной актуатор
Shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB61NP-230Vuntil week 33/09 Беспроводной актуатор
Shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB70-230Vfrom week 21/12,
with bidirectional wireless
follow-up model
Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB70-230Vuntil week 20/12,
with shading scene control
Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
 FSB70-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Элементы затенения и рольставни
FSB71-230V с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-230Vfrom week 04/17 until week 39/17Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-230Vfrom week 46/15 until week 03/17
with cable fixation
Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-230Vfrom week 39/15,>br>until week 45/15Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-230Vuntil week 38/15Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
FSB71-24V DC с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-24V DCfrom week 04/17 until week 39/17Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-24V DCfrom week 16/16 until week 03/17
with cable fixation
Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-24V DCfrom week 39/15,
until week 45/15
Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-24V DCuntil week 38/15Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
FSB71-2x-230V с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-2x-230Vfrom week 04/17 until week 39/17Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-2x-230Vfrom week 46/15 until week 03/17
with cable fixation
Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-2x-230Vfrom week 39/15,
until week 45/15
Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSB71-2x-230Vuntil week 38/15Беспроводной актуатор
for shading elements and roller shutters
 FSD70-230Vfollow-up model FUD71-230VБеспроводной актуатор
Slavn/_bedienung/FSB71-24VDC_30200831-3_gb.pdf _blank download>FSB71-24V DC
FSDG14  Wireless energy meter data gateway
FSG14 from week 51/16Диммирующий актуатор с шиной RS485
Controller for electronic ballast 1-10 V
 FSG14from week 30/16 until week 50/16,
Constant light control with FIH65B
Диммирующий актуатор с шиной RS485
Controller for electronic ballast 1-10 V
 FSG14 from week 07/14 undtil week 30/16,
Constant light control with FIH63B
 FSG14until week 06/14 Диммирующий актуатор с шиной RS485
Controller for electronic ballast 1-10 V
 FSG12/1-10Vfrom week 08/10,
children's rooms and snooze function may be switched off
follow-up model FSG14
RS485 bus dimming actuator controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
 FSG12/1-10Vuntil week 07/10RS485 bus dimming actuator controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
 FSG70/1-10Vfrom week 38/12,
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
follow-up model FSG71/1-10V
Wireless controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
 FSG70/1-10Vfrom week 35/12
until week 37/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Wireless controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
 FSG70/1-10Vuntil week 34/12Wireless controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
FSG71/1-10V from week 50/16Беспроводной актуатор
Dimmer switch controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
 FSG71/1-10Vuntil week 49/16, with cable fixationБеспроводной актуатор
Dimmer switch controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
 FSG71/1-10V Беспроводной актуатор
Dimmer switch controller for electronic ballast units 1-10V
FSHA-230V  Беспроводной актуатор
Wireless socket heating actuator
 FSM1no longer availableБеспроводной актуатор
Plug switch with multifunction for German socket outlets
 FSP1no longer availableБеспроводной актуатор
Plug phase cut-off dimmer for German socket outlets
FSM12-UC from week 21/12Wireless transmitter module
 FSM12-UCuntil week 20/12Wireless transmitter module
 FSM12-UCuntil week 11/09Wireless transmitter module
FSM14-UC  Wireless transmitter module
FSM60B  Wireles transmitter module with batteries for water probe and pushbuttons
FSM61-UC from week 29/14
с шифрованной связью
Wireless transmitter module
 FSM61-UCfrom week 12/09
until week 28/14
Wireless transmitter module
 FSM61-UCuntil week 11/09Wireless transmitter module
 FSM12/8-24V UCfollow-up model FSM12-UCWireless transmitter module
FSNT12  Switching power supply units
FSNT14-12V/12W from week 47/13Switching power supply units
 FSNT14-12V/12Wuntil week 46/13Switching power supply units
FSNT61  Switching power supply units
FSR14-2x с 40й недели 17 годаRS485 bus switching actuator
2-channel impulse switch
 FSR14-2xfrom week 24/17 until week 39/17
FB65B can be taught in
RS485 bus switching actuator
2-channel impulse switch
 FSR14-2xfrom week 07/14
until week 23/17
water probes can be taught in
RS485 bus switching actuator
2-channel impulse switch
 FSR14-2xuntil week 06/14RS485 bus switching actuator
2-channel impulse switch
 FSR12-12V DCfrom week 48/10,
wireless outdoor brightness sensors FAH60 can be taught-in
follow-up model
RS485 bus switching actuator
 FSR12-12V DCuntil week 47/10RS485 bus switching actuator
FSR14-4x с 40й недели 17 года RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
 FSR14-4xfrom week 24/17 until week 39/17
FB65B can be taught in
RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
 FSR14-4xfrom week 07/14
until week 23/17
water probes can be taught in
RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
 FSR14-4xuntil week 06/14 RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
 FSR12-4x-12V DC follow-up model
RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
 FSR12-4x-12V DC  RS485 bus switching actuator
4-channel impulse switch
FSR14SSR с 40й недели 17 года
RS485 bus switching actuator
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch
 FSR14SSRfrom week 24/17 until week 39/17, FB65B can be taught in
RS485 bus switching actuator
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch
 FSR14SSRfrom week 12/17, until week 23/17RS485 bus switching actuator
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch
 FSR14SSRfrom week 07/14 until week 11/17
water probes can be taught in
RS485 bus switching actuator
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch
 FSR14SSRuntil week 06/14RS485 bus switching actuator
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch
Quick start guide FSR61...  Quick start guide
Impulse switch with integrated relay function FSR61...
FSR61/8-24V UC from week 01/17
обучаемый поворотный переключатель
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61/8-24V UCfrom week 35/16 until week 52/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61/8-24V UCfrom week 11/14 until week 34/16,
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61/8-24V UCfrom week 41/12
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61/8-24V UCfrom week 21/12
until week 40/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61/8-24V UCfrom week 14/11
until week 20/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61/8-24V UCfrom week 33/10
until week 13/11,
with motion detector
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61/8-24V UCuntil week 32/10 Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSR61-230V from week 01/17
обучаемый поворотный переключатель
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61-230Vfrom week 35/16 until week 52/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61-230Vfrom week 11/14 until week 34/16,
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61-230Vfrom week 41/12
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61-230Vfrom week 21/12
until week 40/12
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61-230Vfrom week 14/11,
until week 20/12
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61-230Vfrom week 33/10,
until week 13/11,
with motion detector
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61-230Vuntil week 32/10Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSR61G-230V from week 01/17
обучаемый поворотный переключатель
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function noiseless
 FSR61G-230Vfrom week 35/16 until week 52/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function noiseless
 FSR61G-230Vfrom week 11/14 until week 34/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function noiseless
 FSR61G-230Vfrom week 41/12
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function noiseless
 FSR61G-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function noiseless
FSR61LN-230V from week 01/17
обучаемый поворотный переключатель
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
L and N 2-pole switching off
 FSR61LN-230Vfrom week 35/16 until week 52/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
L and N 2-pole switching off
 FSR61LN-230Vfrom week 11/14 until week 34/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
L and N 2-pole switching off
 FSR61LN-230Vfrom week 41/12
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
L and N 2-pole switching off
 FSR61LN-230Vuntil week 40/12Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
L and N 2-pole switching off
FSR61NP-230V from week 01/17
обучаемый поворотный переключатель
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 35/16 until week 52/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 11/14 until week 34/16
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 38/12
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 21/12
until week 37/12
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 14/11,
until week 20/12
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 33/10,
until week 13/11,
with motion detector
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 22/09
with twilight switch
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vfrom week 01/09Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR61NP-230Vuntil week 52/08Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 Operating settings
from week 38/12
until week 10/14
Operating settings
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 Operating settings
from week 21/12
until week 37/12
with bidirectional wireless
Operating settings
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 Operating settings
from week 14/11,
until week 20/12
Operating settings
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSR61NP-230V+FTK-rw from week 11/14,
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function with wireless sensor FTK-rw
 FSR61NP-230V+FTK-rwfrom week 38/12,
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function with wireless sensor FTK-rw
 FSR61NP-230V+FTK-rwfrom week 21/12,
until week 37/12
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function with wireless sensor FTK-rw
 FSR61NP-230V+FTK-rw Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function with wireless sensor FTK-rw
 FSR61NP-230V+FTKfollow-up model FSR61NP-230V+FTK-rw Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function with wireless sensor FTK
FSR61VA-10A from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function with current measurement
 FSR61VA-10Afrom week 03/13
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function with current measurement
 FSR61VA-10Auntil week 02/13Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function with current measurement
 FSR70-230Vfrom week 15/12
with bidirectional wireless
follow-up model
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function
 FSR70-230Vuntil week 14/12Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function
FSR70S-230V  Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function
 FSR70S-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function
FSR70W-16A from week 03/13Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function with active power measurement
 FSR70W-16Auntil week 02/13Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integr. relay function with active power measurement
FSR71-2x-230V с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71-2x-230Vfrom week 21/17 until week 39/17,
FB65B can be taught in
Беспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71-2x-230Vuntil week 20/17,
with cable fixation
Беспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71-2x-230V Беспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSR71NP-2x-230V с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-2x-230Vfrom week 21/17,
until week 39/17,
FB65B can be taught in
Беспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-2x-230Vwith cable fixationБеспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-2x-230V Беспроводной актуатор
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSR71NP-4x-230V с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
4-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-4x-230Vfrom week 21/17 until week 39/17,
FB65B can be taught in
Беспроводной актуатор
4-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-4x-230Vuntil week 20/17,
with cable fixation
Беспроводной актуатор
4-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-4x-230V Беспроводной актуатор
4-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSR71NP-230V с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-230Vfrom week 21/17 until week 39/17,
FB65B can be taught in
Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-230Vwith cable fixationБеспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71NP-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSR71SSR-2x-230V с 40й недели 17 годаБеспроводной актуатор
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71SSR-2x-230Vfrom week 21/17 until week 39/17,
FB65B can be taught in
Беспроводной актуатор
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71SSR-2x-230Vwith cable fixationБеспроводной актуатор
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
 FSR71SSR-2x-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Noiseless 2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function
FSRP-230V  Wireless socket repeater
FSS12-12V DC from week 42/12Wireless energy meter transmitter module
 FSS12-12V DCin addition with 800 S0 impulses per kWhWireless energy meter transmitter module
 FSS12-12V DC Wireless energy meter transmitter module
 FSS61E Wireless actuator Impulse switch with integrated relay function economy
FSSA-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Socket switching actuator
 FSSA-230Vuntil week 10/14Беспроводной актуатор
Socket switching actuator
FSU14 from week 08/17RS485 bus timer with display
 FSU14from week 15/15 until week 07/17,
with clock telegram
RS485 bus timer with display
 FSU14from week 11/14
until week 14/15
RS485 bus timer with display
 FSU14until week 10/14RS485 bus timer with display
 FSU12D-12V DCfrom week 37/11, with astro function
follow-up model FSU14
Wireless timer with display
 FSU12D-12V DCuntil week 36/11Wireless timer with display
FSU55D from week 48/12,
with large display
Wireless timer with display
 FSU55Dfrom week 39/11
until week 47/12,
with astro function
Wireless timer with display
 FSU55Duntil week 38/11Wireless timer with display
FSU55D/230V from week 05/18
configuration with PCT14
Wireless timer with display
 FSU55D/230Vuntil week 04/18Wireless timer with display
 FSU8follow-up model
Беспроводной датчик
8-channel plug wireless timer for SCHUKO plugs
FSU65D/230V from week 05/18
configuration with PCT14
Беспроводной датчик
Timer with display
 FSU65D/230Vuntil week 04/18Беспроводной датчик
Timer with display
FSU65D from week 39/15Беспроводной датчик
Timer with display
 FSU65Duntil week 38/15Беспроводной датчик
Timer with display
FSUD-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Socket universal dimmer switch
 FSUD-230Vuntil week 10/14Беспроводной актуатор
Socket universal dimmer switch
FSVA-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Socket switching actuator with current measurement
 FSVA-230Vuntil week 10/14Беспроводной актуатор
Socket switching actuator with current measurement
FTD14  RS485 bus telegram duplicator
FT2S   Wireless sensor button
FT2SF  Wireless flat sensor button
FT4F, FT55  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless pushbutton
FT4  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless pushbutton
 FT4 Беспроводной датчик
Wireless pushbutton
FT4F  Тонкий беспроводной выключатель
 FT4F Тонкий беспроводной выключатель
 FT4Greplaced by FT55G and FT4GFWireless noiseless pushbuttons
FT4GF  Wireless noiseless flat pushbutton
FT55  Wireless pushbutton
 FT55 Wireless pushbutton
FT55G  Wireless noiseless pushbuttons
FT55BLE  Wireless sensor without battery or wire
Wireless Bluetooth pushbutton design 55x55mm
FT55R  Wireless pushbutton
 FT55R Wireless pushbutton
FT55S  Wireless sensor button
FTB-230V  Wireless pushbutton lighting
FTB-8..24V UC  Wireless pushbutton lighting
FTE210, FTE215 and FTE215BLE  Radio pushbutton inserts
FTF55 from week 13/2013
also with batteries
Wireless temperature sensor
 FTF55until week 12/13Wireless temperature sensor
 FTF55D Wireless temperature sensor with display
FTF65S  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless temperature sensor
FTK  Wireless window/door contact
 FTK-follow-up model FTKWireless window/door contact
FTKB  Беспроводной датчик
Window/door contact
FTKB-hg  Wireless window/door contact with battery
FTKE  Wireless sensor with energy generator
Window/door contact
 FTKE Wireless sensor with energy generator
Window/door contact
FTN14 с 40й недели 17 годаRS485 bus switching actuator
Staircase off-delay timer
 FTN14until week 39/17RS485 bus switching actuator
Staircase off-delay timer
 FTN12from week 30/11,with adjustable operate delay, possibility to teach-in activation with wireless transmitter modules or FTS12EM-UC
follow-up model FTN14
RS485 bus switching actuator
Staircase off-delay timer
 FTN12until week 29/11RS485 bus switching actuator
Staircase off-delay timer
FTN61NP-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Staircase off-delay timer
 FTN61NP-230Vfrom week 25/11,
until week 10/14
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Staircase off-delay timer
 FTN61NP-230Vfrom week 19/09,
до 24й недели 11 года
Беспроводной актуатор
Staircase off-delay timer
 FTN61NP-230Vuntil week 52/08 Беспроводной актуатор
Staircase off-delay timer
FTR55D from week 49/2012
also with batteries
Wireless temperature controller
 FTR55Dfrom week 40/11,
until week 48/12
Wireless temperature controller
 FTR55Duntil week 39/11Wireless temperature controller
FTR55H from week 38/12
also with batteries
Wireless temperature controller
 FTR55Huntil week 37/12Wireless temperature controller
FTR55HB  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless temperature controller
FTR65HB  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless temperature controller
FTR65DS  Беспроводной датчик
Temperature controller
FTR65HS with high hand wheelБеспроводной датчик
Temperature controller
 FTR65HS Беспроводной датчик
Temperature controller
FTR78S  Беспроводной датчик
Temperature controller
FTRF65HB  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless temperature controller
FTRF65SB  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless temperature controller
FTS14EM from week 44/15
Pushbutton, FTK, FBH
Pushbutton input module
 FTS14EMuntil week 43/15Pushbutton input module
 FTS12EMfrom week 30/11,
follow-up model FTS14EM
Pushbutton input module
 FTS12EMfrom week 30/11Pushbutton input module
 FTS12EMuntil week 29/11Pushbutton input module
FTS14FA from week 02/14Wireless output module
 FTS14FAuntil week 01/14Wireless output module
 FTS12FA-12V DCfollow-up model FTS14FAWireless output module
FTS14GBZ  Pushbutton gateway
FTS14KEM  Contact input module
FTS14KS  FTS14 communication interface
FTS14TG from week 22/17Pushbutton gateway
 FTS14TGuntil week 21/17Pushbutton gateway
FTS61BTK  Pushbutton bus coupler
FTS61BTKL  Pushbutton bus coupler
FTVW  Wireless pushbutton encryption rocker
FUA12-230V from week 49/17Wireless universal actuator
 FUA12-230Vfrom week 08/16
until week 48/17
Wireless universal actuator
 FUA12-230Vuntil week 07/16Wireless universal actuator
FUA55LED  Wireless universal display with LED
FUD14/800W from week 51/16,
constant light control with FIH63B
RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD14/800Wfrom week 47/13 until week 50/16,
constant light control with FIH63B
RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD14/800Wuntil week 46/13RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD12/800W-12V DCfollow-up model FUD14/800WRS485 bus universal dimming actuator
FUD14 from week 51/16RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD14from week 47/13 until week 50/16,
constant light control with FIH63B
RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD14until week 46/13 RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD12NPN-12V DCfrom week 23/12
with light scene control,
also for dimmable 230V LED lamps
follow-up model FUD14
RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD12NPN-12V DCfrom week 11/10 until week 22/12
with light scene control,
also for dimmable 230V LED lamps
RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD12NPN-12V DCfrom week 52/09,
until week 10/10
with light scene control
RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
 FUD12NPN-12V DCuntil week 51/09RS485 bus universal dimming actuator
FUD61NP-230V from week 46/17Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vfrom week 01/17 until week 45/17Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vfrom week 35/16 until week 52/16,
с шифрованной связью
Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vfrom week 11/14 until week 34/16
с шифрованной связью
Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vfrom week 38/12
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vfrom week 23/12 until week 37/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vfrom week 23/11 until week 22/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vfrom week 18/10,
light scenes can be taught-in
Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
 FUD61NP-230Vuntil week 17/10Wireless universal dimming actuator
without N
FUD61NPN-230V from week 46/17Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 01/17 until week 45/17,
с шифрованной связью
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 11/14 until week 52/16,
с шифрованной связью
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 40/12,
until week 10/14
bidirectional wireless and repeater function switchable
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 32/12,
additionally with light scene control
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 23/12 until week 31/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 15/11 until week 22/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 12/10,
until week 14/11,
light scenes can be taught-in,
with light scene control, also for dimmable 230V LED lamps
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vfrom week 50/09,
until week 11/10
light scenes can be taught-in
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD61NPN-230Vuntil week 49/09Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD70from week 24/12,
with automatic lamp detection
follow-up model FUD71-230V
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD70from week 24/12,
with bidirectional wireless
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD70also for dimmable 230V LED lampsWireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD70 Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD70Kfollow-up model FUD71-230VБеспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch
FUD70S from week 14/15Беспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch as cord switch
 FUD70Suntil week 13/15,
also for dimmable 230V LED lamps
Wireless universal dimming actuator
 FUD70S Wireless universal dimming actuator
FUD71-230V from week 50/16
rotary switch and FB65B can be taught in
Беспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch
 FUD71-230Vuntil week 49/16,
with cable fixation
Беспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch
 FUD71-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch
FUD71L/1200W-230V from week 50/16Беспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch
 FUD71L/1200W-230Vuntil week 49/16, with cable fixationБеспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch
 FUD71L/1200W-230V Беспроводной актуатор
Universal dimmer switch
FUTH55D/230V from week 01/18Thermo clock/hygrostat
with display
 FUTH55D/230V Thermo clock/hygrostat
with display
FUTH55D from week 39/13,
control with GFVS-Software possible
Thermo clock/hygrostat
with display
 FUTH55Duntil week 38/13Thermo clock/hygrostat
with display
 FUT55Dreplaced by FUTH55DWireless clock thermometer
with display
FUTH65D/230V from week 01/18Беспроводной датчик
Thermo clock/hygrostat with display
 FUTH65D/230V Беспроводной датчик
Thermo clock/hygrostat with display
FUTH65D from week 39/15Беспроводной датчик
Thermo clock/hygrostat with display
 FUTH65Duntil week 38/15Беспроводной датчик
Thermo clock/hygrostat with display
FVST  Wireless encryption plug
FWA55D  Беспроводной датчик
Weather data display
FWA65D  Беспроводной датчик
Weather data display
FWG14MS  RS485 bus weather data gateway
 FWG14MSuntil week 35/16RS485 bus weather data gateway
FWS60  Wireless sensor Water sensor
FWS61-24V UC  Wireless weather data transmitter module
FWS81  Беспроводной датчик
Wireless water probe
FWWKW71L  Беспроводной актуатор
PWM dimmer switch for LED
FWZ12-16A  Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
 FWZ12-16A Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
FWZ12-65A  Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
 FWZ12-65A Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
FWZ14-65A from week 15/13Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
 FWZ14-65Auntil week 14/13Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
FWZ61-16A  Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
 FWZ61-16A Wireless single-phase energy meter transmitter module
FZK14 с 40й недели 17 годаRS485 bus switching actuator
Time relay for card switch or smoke alarm
 FZK14from week 25/13 until week 39/17, additionally sending of specific confirmation telegrams possibleRS485 bus switching actuator
Time relay for card switch or smoke alarm
 FZK14until week 24/13RS485 bus switching actuator
Time relay for card switch or smoke alarm
 FZK12-12V DCfollow-up model FZK14RS485 bus switching actuator mains
Time relay for card switch
FZK61NP-230V from week 11/14
с шифрованной связью
Беспроводной актуатор
Time relay for card switch
 FZK61NP-230Vfrom week 10/14
until week 10/14
with bidirectional wireless
Беспроводной актуатор
Time relay for card switch
 FZK61NP-230Vuntil week 26/11Беспроводной актуатор
Time relay for card switch
FZK70-230V  Беспроводной актуатор
Time relay for card switch
FZS65  Wireless pull switch
 FZSfollow-up FZS65Wireless pull switch
 FZS Wireless pull switch
FZT55-wg  Wireless 2-way central control pushbutton
K4FT65  Flat short-stroke pushbutton
K4T65  Short-stroke pushbutton
K4T55  Short-stroke pushbutton
 KT4нет модели приемникаShort-stroke pushbutton
 KT4Fнет модели приемникаFlat short-stroke pushbutton
 KT55нет модели приемникаShort-stroke pushbutton
LUD12 from week 28/2010,
now additionally for ESL and 230V LED lamps
Capacity enhancer
for FUD12/800W
 LUD12from week 38/2007,
until week 27/2010
Capacity enhancer
for FUD12/800W
 LUD12until week 37/2007Capacity enhancer
for FUD12/800W
PL-AMD10V  Powerline dimmer actuator 1-10V
PL-FTGW  Powerline pushbutton gateway
PL-SAM1L  Powerline actuator
PL-SAM1LT  Powerline TLZ actuator
PL-SAM2  Powerline Venetian blind actuator
PL-SAM2L  Powerline actuator 2 channels
PL-SAMDR  Powerline dimmer actuator with 1 channel
PL-SAMDU  Decentralised universal dimmer actuator with sensor input
PL-SAMTEMP  Temperature controller for heating and cooling
PL-SM1L  Powerline sensor input
PL-SM8  Powerline sensor inputs 8 channels
SR-MDSBAT  Беспроводной датчик
Датчик движения/освещённости
SR65TF251  Беспроводной датчик
Cable temperature Sensor
SR65VFG  Беспроводной датчик
Contact temperature sensor
STE14  Power input
SNT14  Switching power supply units
TF-1FT  Tap-radio® wireless pushbutton
TF-2ZT  Tap-radio® 2-way central control pushbutton
TF-2ZT55  Tap-radio® 2-way central control pushbutton
TF-4FT  Tap-radio® wireless pushbutton
TF-4FT55  Tap-radio® wireless pushbutton
TF-4PT  Tap-radio® channel profile pushbutton
TF-4PT55  Tap-radio® 4 channel profile pushbutton
TF-8FM  Tap-radio® mini hand-held transmitter
TF100A-230V from week 20/2018
clear memory without a pushbutton possible
Tap-radio® signal generator adapter
 TF100A-230Vfrom week 14/2017
until week 19/2018
smoke alarm can be taught in
Tap-radio® signal generator adapter
 TF100A-230Vfrom week 47/2016
until week 13/2017
response lag time of 10 seconds
Tap-radio® signal generator adapter
 TF100A-230Vfrom week 27/2016
until week 46/2016
with automatic blocking of teach-in mode
Tap-radio® signal generator adapter
 TF100A-230Vuntil week 26/2016Tap-radio® signal generator adapter
TF100D-230V from week 20/2018
clear memory without a pushbutton possible
Tap-radio® relay actuator
 TF100D-230Vfrom week 24/2017
until week 19/2018
dimming speed can be taught in
Tap-radio® relay actuator
 TF100D-230Vfrom week 50/2016
until week 23/2017
rotary switch can be taught in
Tap-radio® relay actuator
 TF100D-230Vfrom week 27/2016
until week 49/2016
with automatic blocking of teach-in mode
Tap-radio® relay actuator
 TF100D-230Vuntil week 26/2016Tap-radio® relay actuator
TF100L-230V from week 20/2018
clear memory without a pushbutton possible
Tap-radio® light actuator adapter
 TF100L-230Vfrom week 14/2017
until week 19/2018
smoke alarm can be taught in
Tap-radio® light actuator adapter
 TF100L-230Vfrom week 50/2016
until week 13/2017
rotary switch can be taught in
Tap-radio® light actuator adapter
 TF100L-230Vfrom week 47/2016
until week 49/2016
blocking of teach-in mode possible anytime
Tap-radio® light actuator adapter
 TF100L-230Vfrom week 27/2016
until week 46/2016
with automatic blocking of teach-in mode
Tap-radio® light actuator adapter
 TF100L-230Vuntil week 26/2016Tap-radio® light actuator adapter
TF100P-230V  Tap-radio® repeater adapter
 TF100R-230V Tap-radio® repeater adapter
TF61D-230V from week 24/2017,
dimming speed can be taught in
Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
 TF61D-230Vfrom week 50/2016 until week 23/2017Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
 TF61D-230Vfrom week 27/2016 until week 49/2016,
with automatic blocking of teach-in mode
Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
 TF61D-230Vuntil week 26/2016Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
TF61J-230V from week 50/2016Tap-radio® shading element actuator
 TF61J-230Vfrom week 27/2016 until week 49/2016,
with tap-reverse and automatic blocking of teach-in mode
Tap-radio® shading element actuator
 TF61J-230Vuntil week 26/2016Tap-radio® shading element actuator
TF61L-230V from week 14/2017
smoke alarm can be taught in
Tap-radio® light actuator
 TF61L-230Vfrom week 50/2016 until week 13/2017Tap-radio® light actuator
 TF61L-230Vfrom week 27/2016 until week 49/2016,
with automatic blocking of teach-in mode
Tap-radio® light actuator
 TF61L-230Vuntil week 26/2016Tap-radio® light actuator
TF61P-230V  Tap-radio® repeater
TF61R-230V from week 47/2016Tap-radio® relay actuator
 TF61R-230Vfrom week 27/2016, until week 46/16,
with automatic blocking of teach-in mode
Tap-radio® relay actuator
 TF61R-230Vuntil week 26/2016Tap-radio® relay actuator
TF-AHDSB from week 47/17Tap-radio® outdoor brightness twilight sensor
 TF-AHDSBuntil week 46/17Tap-radio® outdoor brightness twilight sensor
TF-BHSB  Tap-radio® motion/brightness sensor
TF-BHSB55  Tap-radio® motion/brightness sensor
TF-BSB  Tap-radio® motion sensor
TF-BSB55  Tap-radio® motion sensor
TF-DTB  Tap-radio® Wireless Rotary Switch
TF-DTB55  Tap-radio® Wireless Rotary Switch
TF-FGB  Tap-radio® window handle sensor
TF-FKB  Tap-radio® window contact
TF-FKE  Tap-radio® window contact
TF-FTE  Tap-radio® window touch contact
TF-FTSB  Tap-radio® humidity temperature sensor
TF-FTSB55  Tap-radio® humidity temperature sensor
TF-HMB  Tap-radio® heat detector
TF-IP-Con IV  Tap-radio® EnOcean IP controller
TF-IUS  Tap-radio® indoor UP signal generator
TF-IUS55  Tap-radio® indoor UP signal generator
TF-RWB  Tap-radio® smoke detector
TF-SUD from week 05/18
configuration with PCT14
Tap-radio® timer
 TF-SUDuntil week 04/18Tap-radio® timer
TF-SUD55 from week 05/18
configuration with PCT14
Tap-radio® timer
 TF-SUD55until week 04/18Tap-radio® timer
TF-TA55D from week 45/17Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
 TF-TA55Duntil week 44/17Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
TF-TA55DL from week 45/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator dimmer without N connection
 TF-TA55DLuntil week 44/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator dimmer without N connection
TF-TA65D from week 24/2017Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
 TF-TA65D Tap-radio® universal dimming actuator
TF-TA65DL from week 45/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator dimmer without N connection
 TF-TA65DLuntil week 44/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator dimmer without N connection
TF-TA55J from week 45/17Tap-radio® shading element actuator
 TF-TA55Juntil week 44/17Tap-radio® shading element actuator
TF-TA55L from week 45/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator light switch
 TF-TA55Luntil week 44/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator light switch
TF-TA65J from week 45/17Tap-radio® shading element actuator
 TF-TA65Juntil week 44/17Tap-radio® shading element actuator
TF-TA65L from week 45/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator
light switch
 TF-TA65Luntil week 44/17Tap-radio® pushbutton actuator
light switch
TF-TRHB  Tap-radio® temperature sensor
TF-TRHB55  Tap-radio® temperature sensor
TF-TRSB  Tap-radio® temperature sensor
TF-TRSB55  Tap-radio® temperature sensor
TF-TTB  Tap-radio® pushbutton tracker
TF-UTH from week 01/18Tap-radio® clock thermo hygrostat
 TF-UTHuntil week 52/17Tap-radio® clock thermo hygrostat
TF-UTH55 from week 01/18Tap-radio® clock thermo hygrostat
 TF-UTH55until week 52/17Tap-radio® clock thermo hygrostat
TF-WTB  Tap-radio® rocker pushbutton
TF-WTB55  Tap-radio® rocker pushbutton
thanos L SR  Беспроводной датчик
Multifunction room control unit
thanosS SR  Беспроводной датчик
Multifunction room control unit
thanos L SRQ  Беспроводной датчик
Multifunction room control unit
 UFB Logitech Harmony Touch Беспроводной датчик
Universal remote control
 UFB Logitech Harmony Touch Беспроводной датчик
Universal remote control
 UFB-Harmony One+Efollow-up model UFB Logitech Harmony TouchБеспроводной датчик
Universal remote control